The effects of aging are inevitable, and often, the brow and forehead areas show the first signs. The sun and other environmental factors, combined with gravity and time, result in frown lines, wrinkling across the forehead, and an increasing heaviness of the eyebrows and upper eyelids. This heaviness may create an angry or sad appearance that does not reflect how you feel on the inside. A brow lift in West Des Moines at Koch & Carlisle Plastic Surgery & Spa can help women and men from Ankeny, Ames, Davenport, and throughout Iowa restore a smoother brow and a more youthful expression.

Dr. Brent Koch and Dr. Cody Koch can help you achieve a more refreshed appearance with a brow lift. As board-certified facial plastic surgeons, they have extensive training and more than 45 years of experience in facial procedures.

If you are considering brow lift surgery, our doctors can answer your questions. Please request a consultation or call our office at (515) 277-5555. We look forward to meeting you and discussing how you can achieve your cosmetic desires.

Case: 1 of 9
Before & After Blepharoplasty (Upper Eyelid Lift) Case 165 View #1 View in West Des Moines & Ames, IA
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Featured Brow Lift
Before & After Photos

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Before & After Facelift Case 208 Front View in West Des Moines & Ames, IA
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Before & After Photos

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Before & After Blepharoplasty (Upper Eyelid Lift) Case 197 Full Face Front View in West Des Moines & Ames, IA
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Featured Brow Lift
Before & After Photos

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Before & After Facelift Case 207 Front View in West Des Moines & Ames, IA
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Featured Brow Lift
Before & After Photos

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Before & After Facelift Case 365 Front View in West Des Moines & Ames, IA
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Featured Brow Lift
Before & After Photos

Patient had a S-lift, submental liposuction and endoscopic browlift.

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Before & After Blepharoplasty (Upper Eyelid Lift) Case 156 View #1 View in West Des Moines & Ames, IA
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Featured Brow Lift
Before & After Photos


Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Before & After Facelift Case 417 Front View in West Des Moines & Ames, IA
Before & After

Featured Brow Lift
Before & After Photos

Dr. Cody Koch's patient had an S-Lift, facial liposuction, an endoscopic brow lift, and bilateral upper blepharoplasty.Her photos were taken 20 days after her surgery. 

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Before & After Blepharoplasty (Upper Eyelid Lift) Case 219 Front View in West Des Moines & Ames, IA
Before & After

Featured Brow Lift
Before & After Photos

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Featured Brow Lift
Before & After Photos

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About Brow Lift Surgery

A brow lift is a proven procedure that safely and effectively:

  • Elevates drooping brows
  • Smoothes horizontal lines and furrows of the forehead
  • Restores a calm, youthful appearance to the upper face

Although most patients undergoing brow lifts are between the ages of 40 and 60, the procedure can be performed at any age if the person is in good health. Your doctor will meet with you for a consultation before your procedure to determine if you are a good candidate for a brow lift.

Meet Our Providers

At Koch & Carlisle, we have assembled a team of three highly skilled, board-certified plastic surgeons—two for the face and one for the breast and body. The result: exceptional plastic surgery results from head to toe for the West Des Moines, IA, area.

How Much Does a Brow Lift Cost in Des Moines?

The cost for an endoscopic brow lift at our Des Moines practice varies depending on your specific concerns and the extent of the procedure. During your cosmetic consultation with Dr. Brent or Dr. Cody Koch, which costs $150, you will receive a specific quote for your unique procedure. This payment is applied to the surgeon’s fee should you decide to book your procedure within a year of your consultation.

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Brow Lift Procedure

A brow lift involves tightening loose skin and removing any excess. As a result, forehead wrinkling and drooping brows are corrected. If necessary, your surgeon will alter the muscle that causes vertical lines between the brows. Repositioning forehead skin may be necessary to achieve the optimal improvement in brow lift surgery, attracting attention to opened, more inviting eyes. New techniques include using lighted scopes placed through small, well-hidden incisions within your hairline. This leads to less swelling and bruising, making your recovery time much quicker.

Most brow lift procedures are performed in an outpatient surgery center. The brow lift procedure itself typically takes between 1 to 2 hours to complete, and is most commonly performed with general anesthesia.

A brow lift can be performed by itself, but it is commonly performed with an eyelid lift or a facelift.


Many of our brow lift patients report that they experience minimal discomfort after their procedure, however, this can be controlled with prescribed medication. Most are able to return to work after 7 to 10 days, and resume strenuous activities after about a month.

The nominal consultation fee covers an extensive, personal consultation with either Dr. Brent Koch or Dr. Cody Koch. Your doctor will spend a great deal of time with you, discussing your goals, concerns, and physical and lifestyle considerations. He will listen intently to what you have to say, and together the two of you will develop the best approach to your treatment. Women and men who schedule their surgery at the time of consultation will have their consultation fee applied toward their procedure.

Your Consultation

Your doctor can discuss all of your options during your brow lift consultation. Des Moines, Iowa, men and women interested in facial plastic surgery are encouraged to request a consultation online or call us at (515) 277-5555 to schedule an appointment.

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